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"Õpi ja jaga" on IT Talendi meeskonna jaoks üks olulisemaid põhiväärtusi. Järgides oma missiooni "aidata inimestel ja ettevõtetel kasvada", jätkame kestvalt ka enda õppimise protsessi ja professionaalset kasvu.

Seame enda individuaalsetel õpperadadel pidevalt eesmärke, jagame iganädalaselt esmaspäevastel koosolekutel teadmisi, vaatame videokursusi, loeme uusimaid erialaseid raamatuid ja eriti armastame konverentsidel osaleda.

See kõik on aidanud meil luua märkimisväärse teadmistebaasi. Jagame neid teadmisi hea meelega ka teiega ja seda koos parimate tavade, lugude, juhtumite ja vigadega, millest oleme selle huvitava teekonna käigus õppinud.

Selgitame keerulisi asju lihtsal viisil, harjutame palju ja mängime mänge, et teadmisi veelgi paremini kinnistada.

IT Talent on Töötukassa koolituskaardi koostööpartner.

Meiega on õppinud suurepärased spetsialistid Eesti Energiast, Veriff, Starship, Grabcad, Malwarebytes, Kühne Nagel, Coolbet, Rademar, Smit, Breakwater Technologies, Tammiste personalibüroo, Salv, MRPeasy, Columbus Global, Tervisekassa, Modular Bank, Civitta, Hurtigruten, Cyber, Fontes, Fob Solutions, Inzmost ja paljudest teistest.

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Õppekorralduse alused
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Koolitus inglise keeles

Valige üks meie koolitustest ja lihvige oma oskusi ning teadmisi koos meiega!

Soovin osaleda

Olen tutvunud ja nõustun privaatsustingimustega


Elena Fedorova

I actually DID IT and truly changed the direction of my career from sales and management to recruiting. The fact is, all my previous experience will come in handy in my new role. Throughout the course, in each module, I found and reinforced what I already knew and, of course, learned new things.  Oh, this amazing world of IT recruiting. When you're just a user of the software and only indirectly familiar with the product development life cycle, everything seems so simple, so clear. But digging deeper, you discover a wonderful, magical sea of SMALL tasks that really BIG people accomplish. And the result of this work becomes something big and flawless.  And how fascinating it all is :)  Thanks to the teachers ( Alina Sarossi (Kutlugalina), Julia Jolkin 👠👠, Ekaterina👋 Krivich ) and IT Talent for the knowledge and the ability to explain complex things so clearly and comprehensibly. I'm certain that only a person who can explain the essence of their work in a way that a five-year-old can understand is a true professional. And the wonderful ladies from IT Talent are professionals.

— Elena Fedorova, Technical Talent Partner
Ave Jõesalu

Very well-designed, filled with relevant information, and professionally presented. I saw that the knowledge I gained could be immediately applied to everyday work. I became more and more confident :) and Julia was very encouraging all the time (it also helped a lot when she talked about her own mistakes besides all the success).

— Ave Jõesalu, HR and Finance Manager
Jorge Guzman

Taking Julia's training course in Modern Recruitment has been an inspiring and enlightening experience. I noticed great content structure, theory and tools since the beginning of the course, and something I appreciated as additional is the real-world experiences she shared. The course equips you to either kick-start or elevate your career within the IT Talent field. Julia's natural charisma shines through in every lesson, and her genuine interest in our learning journey makes the experience not just educational but also personally enriching.

— Jorge Guzman, HR and Talent Experienced Professional
Stella Stelmah

Firstly, I want to express my heartfelt gratitude to Julia Jolkin 👠👠 and the IT Talent Team for their support and guidance throughout the course. They truly have a gift for explaining complex concepts in simple terms, and their wisdom has been invaluable to me. I also want to thank Ekaterina👋 Krivich for being an amazing and brilliant teacher. She has a unique talent for explaining anything, and I'm so grateful for all that she has taught. I feel blessed to have had such wonderful professionals to help me understand and fall in love with the complex world of IT. Thanks to this course, I now have a deeper understanding of how everything is connected, why there are so many languages, stages, and value of the frameworks.  Although no bugs were detected during the course, I now understand how many hats one specialist can wear and why. I believe that I can now be a valuable asset in helping to set up the strategy for IT companies' roles.

— Stella Stelmah, Human Resources Specialist
​​Airi Neemre

I have successfully completed IT Recruiter Technical Competence Course and feel extremely happy about it! 🙋‍♀️  It took a lot of hard work to cross the finish line, but it was worth all the time and effort. I will give myself a chance to fully enjoy the moment and trust my coach who evaluated my results as being too good to be modest about them. 😊  Now I know that anything is possible, and my fingers are itching to put everything I’ve learned into practice, to develop my skills even further. Julia Jolkin 👠👠 and Ekaterina👋 Krivich, you are among the most inspiring teachers I’m honored to know!

— ​​Airi Neemre, HR Recruitment Partner