Technical Competence (Flexible)

All courses
salary 970 €
location Online
date 21. February
date ENG

About the course

The IT sector is booming and it is increasingly difficult to find qualified specialists. On the other hand many candidates find IT sector attractive but very complicated to understand. Sounds like IT people come from a different planet and speak another language! Believe us, it is not that complicated!

Understanding the IT business, having technical competence helps you gain the confidence to enter an IT company.

“Speaking the same language” takes HRs and recruiters to a new, advanced level, helps to address, evaluate and hire the best talents much faster. During our course, we help our participants to understand how things work in IT companies, what roles and competencies there are, how teams and processes are built.

We will make the complicated terminology clear in an easy, practical way. We will use images and jokes and lots of practical assignments to make it stick.

Curriculum group: 0688 Interdisciplinary study field of information and communication technology.

Date of approval of the curriculum: 20.11.2023

Objective: By the end of the course, the participants will determine how software products are created and understand the various IT roles involved in different stages of the software development life cycle. They will confidently use IT industry terminology, distinguish nuances in IT job positions, and apply the acquired knowledge and skills to recruit IT specialists.

Learning outcomes:

A graduate of the course:

  • Clearly defines the structure of a software product lifecycle, accurately identifying the crucial roles at each stage of software development and offering insightful analyses of their significance. 
  • Easily finds understandable explanations of IT terminology, either on their own or with the help of artificial intelligence, demonstrating the ability to purposefully enhance technical competencies as a future recruiter.
  • Distinguishes between programming languages, frameworks, and other technologies and methodologies, explaining why they are used.
  • Confidently engages in conversations with IT teams and expertly analyzes nuances regarding the product, technologies, team structure, and development processes in a project.
  • Thoughtfully reflects on their role and responsibilities as an IT recruiter.


The training lasts for 5 weeks.

10 modules with recorded video lessons become available immediately upon accessing the training.

Recorded videos can be watched at your convenience.

Successful completion of tests at the end of each module allows earning bonus PRO level recorded video lessons.

At the end of the training, a final real-time test will take place on Zoom. It's mandatory to participate on the specified day and time.

Price:  970 euro (incl 22% VAT). This course qualifies for income tax relief (Income Tax Act § 26). The amount you paid will be submitted to the Tax and Customs Board of Estonia and will be included in your tax return as an education expense.


Ekaterina Krivich:

Lead Software Engineer (Elixir Development) in an Estonian IT Company.

Masters degree in Human Computer Interaction (Tallinn University 2020).

Masters degree in Applied Math (Kuban state university, Russia 2006).

15 years of hands-on coding experience in a variety of languages. I am a lifelong learner and very excited to share my knowledge about nerdy things. 

Started as a developer and throughout my career I was a lead developer and Engineering Manager. I had the pleasure of organizing several internal trainings for non-developers, and workshops for dev-juniors aka Django Girls Tallinn.

Julia Jolkin:

Master's degree in Communications (Tallinn University, 2004)  

10 years of experience in HR and 7 years in IT recruitment. Nowadays still actively recruiting IT professionals and managing a team of IT recruiters.

For the past 5 years I have been sharing my knowledge at seminars and in-house trainings. Experienced speaker at international recruitment and sourcing conferences.

Сourse curator

Julia Jolkin
[email protected]

Töötukassa koolituskaardi koostööpartner
IT Talent is a training partner of the
Unemployment Insurance Fund

Сourse curator

Julia Jolkin
[email protected]

Töötukassa koolituskaardi koostööpartner
IT Talent is a training partner of the
Unemployment Insurance Fund