Advanced Recruitment Course. Productivity, AI and Automation

All courses
salary 1000 €
location Online
date 30. September
date ENG

About the course

The speed of the recruitment process is becoming increasingly crucial. Many recruiters already know how to source candidates online, but there are still only 24 hours in a day. How to handle everything?

We offer a unique opportunity to train the recruitment team to be self-sufficient, take employee hiring to the next level, refine digital skills, automate some tasks with the help of robots and AI, and speed up the process, increasing its volume and efficiency.

No, robots and AI will ever replace HR specialists or recruiters, but they can assist to spend less time on searching and leave more time for actual communication with candidates.

During the course, we help students become experts in sourcing, use modern tools, spend less time, and hire more by utilizing automated tools for search and a systematic step-by-step approach, with a focus on candidate experience and data analytics.  And most importantly, we help you gain expertise in using robots and AI.

The curriculum is developed based on: Level 6 Recruitment Specialist Competencies: B.2.5, B.2.7, B.2.12 and B.2.13

Curriculum Groups:

688 Information and Communication Technology Interdisciplinary Curriculum Group.

0611 Computer Use Curriculum Group (Computer and Internet Usage).

0413 Management and Administration Curriculum Group.

Date of approval of the curriculum: 20.11.2023.



By the end of the course, students will automate the recruitment process and enhance its productivity. They will efficiently find more suitable candidates in less time by applying advanced web-based sourcing methods, recruitment software, and digital applications. Students will delegate certain tasks to artificial intelligence. Additionally, they will plan the development of their personal professional brand and the expansion of their professional network.

Learning Outcomes:

A graduate of the course:

  • analyzes which tasks in the recruitment process can be automated and delegated to AI, and expertly applies recruitment software, digital applications, and artificial intelligence assistance.
  • swiftly finds numerous suitable candidates on various social media platforms, including LinkedIn, GitHub, Facebook, Slack, by creating advanced Boolean Search sourcing queries and automating data collection through scraping robots and Chrome extensions.
  • plans and executes automated candidate sourcing and engaging campaigns using multiple robots chained together.
  • creates potential candidate pools and processes data using digital solutions.
  • interprets the results of collected automated campaigns and discusses ways to increase the efficiency of the recruitment process.
  • analyzes their personal brand using the Social Selling Index (SSI) method and plans how to regularly grow their contact network through content creation and automation.


The training lasts for 4 weeks.

8 modules with recorded video lessons become available immediately upon accessing the training.

Recorded videos can be watched at your convenience.

Successful completion of tests at the end of each module allows earning bonus PRO level recorded video lessons.

At the end of the course, a final real-time test will take place on Zoom. It's mandatory to participate on the specified day and time.


Julia Jolkin:

Master's degree in Communications (Tallinn University, 2004)  

10 years of experience in HR and 7 years in IT recruitment. Nowadays still actively recruiting IT professionals and managing a team of IT recruiters.

For the past 5 years I have been sharing my knowledge at seminars and in-house trainings. Experienced speaker at international recruitment and sourcing conferences.

Price:  1000 euro (incl 22% VAT).

Сourse curator

Julia Jolkin
[email protected]

Töötukassa koolituskaardi koostööpartner
IT Talent is a training partner of the
Unemployment Insurance Fund

Сourse curator

Julia Jolkin
[email protected]

Töötukassa koolituskaardi koostööpartner
IT Talent is a training partner of the
Unemployment Insurance Fund


Amanda Muceniece-Krumina, Recruiting Team Lead Printful, Riga

Training is about the basics and standards of recruitment, it's like ABC for recruiters. It also helps a lot to recruiters with experience to understand the process more and remove a lot of "waste" from day-to-day work. The training has given me interest in sourcing and helped to remove all the unneeded activities from my daily work.

— Amanda Muceniece-Krumina, Recruiting Team Lead Printful, Riga
Merle Rebane, Executive Recruiter from Tammiste Personalibüroo

I gathered lots of ideas and sources from the course that I have later successfully used. At times, I feel like worked in the Stone Age before. How many possibilities there are nowadays ... The training is truly very eye-opening.

— Merle Rebane, Executive Recruiter from Tammiste Personalibüroo
Irina Pikulenko, Office Manager from Sportradar AG

Before the training, recruitment seemed like a simple process to me. During the course I saw how much work and effort it really requires. Thanks to the tips and tricks from the course, I have found a lot more suitable candidates than before. The training has been very beneficial.

— Irina Pikulenko, Office Manager from Sportradar AG
Anna Metsger, HR and Admin Manager

I definitely recommend this training to both recruiters and specialists, whose tasks include HR management. The knowledge shared during the course is very well structured and covers various other HR topics in addition to recruitment activities.

— Anna Metsger, HR and Admin Manager
Natalja Horohordina, Head of Recruitment and Future Staff from Eesti Energia

The amount of unnecessary activities in my day-to-day work has decreased. The course has instilled me with the courage to try out new solutions and tools for recruitment. 10/10, highly practical. I would recommend this course to anyone who looks to treat recruitment as something more than publishing ads on job portals.

— Natalja Horohordina, Head of Recruitment and Future Staff from Eesti Energia
Monika Lehtmets, Recruitment Assistant from Tammiste Personalibüroo

The course provided me with the opportunity to brush up and advance my recruitment skills. Afterwards, I have taken steps to automate my workflow using several new applications and environments introduced during the course. The training is highly practical, because you can test everything you have learned on your ongoing projects.

— Monika Lehtmets, Recruitment Assistant from Tammiste Personalibüroo